wax worx

11 Results / Page 1 of 2


Michael Wall

My Dads Car Podcast with Michael Wall

My Dad's Car Podcast Hosted by Andy Gregory and Jon Recknell. A discussion with invited guests about their personal relationships with automotive nostalgia. Despite the title, it doesn't even matter if the topic of discussion is their Dad's car or not. It could be their Mums, their Grans, parents, guardians or even a neighbours.  If the car made an impression they want to talk about it episode My dad's vw […]

todayDecember 7, 2023 148


wax worx – for the record 6 – Pops

for the record #6 Pop's My father was taken from us long before his time, in 1994 at just 60yrs old, the responsibility of sharing his story is now mine. One day, I want to write a book about our Burmese family history, the roots of which trace back to the Burmese Royal Household, with our great Grandmother Daw Pwa Sei, being associated to the Konbaung dynasty of the Royal […]

todayJune 18, 2023 1301 19 2


wax worx – for the record 5 – My big bro, My Superhero!

for the record #5 My Big Bro, my Superhero! I wrote the following letter three years ago today, 6 months before he passed, Tim had said that his therapist had asked him to ask his close family to all write him a letter, and to say what they think has changed about him in the last few years. This is what I wrote for him. "My big bro, my superhero […]

todayApril 18, 2023 1309 23 3


wax worx – for the record 4 – the danger of misdiagnosis

for the record #4 The Dangers of misdiagnosis Hello everyone, firstly apologies for taking so long to write this next blog, the tail end of 2022 has been personally turbulent but many positive steps taken already in 2023. I want to thank you all for standing by us, for your kindness, especially Emma -Jane Taylor and Sonia Poulton, who have been absolute rocks, giving us their platforms to share our […]

todayMarch 21, 2023 1330 20 3


Bring The Global Panic – Wax Worx Edit #freedownload

free download ian brown vs elite force 'bring the global panic' wax worx edit wax worx unleashes a huge rebellious banger to get the heart rate racing. Sampling Ian Brown's truth telling 'Little Seed, Big Tree' & Elite Force's Bring the Panic, this cheeky bootleg is for the brave souls to hammer out Grab the free download here and play it loud free download #resist #newworldorder #stopthewef #truth #freedom #love […]

todayFebruary 7, 2023 661 7 2


wax worx – for the record 3 – Tims Legacy

for the record #3 Tim's legacy There is nothing more important when we are gone than our legacy.  Sadly my brother’s legacy is being decimated, I cannot sit by and let that happen. The lies that have been told in the wake of Tim’s death are nothing short of despicable, These lies began by my mother lying to his GP about him, and ended in me not being allowed any […]

todayJune 27, 2022 1265 16 2


wax worx – for the record 2

for the record #2 my blog, my story, my truth, my purpose…. what happned to Tim? I’ve sat down many times to try and write this blog; it’s now taken me a month since publishing part one to complete it. This is not only because of how painful and re-traumatising it is, but also because it's never been my intention for anyone else to suffer, but sometimes the truth hurts. […]

todayApril 30, 2022 1390 14 2


wax worx – for the record 1 – mental health, healing and wellbeing

for the record #1 my blog, my story, my truth, my purpose…. So here I am… having just gone through 2 of the most traumatic years of my life, it was not until my brother Tim opened up about his past, that I was even able to begin to look at, let alone comprehend my own past wounds and trauma. the story involves, child abuse, sexual abuse, and growing up […]

todayMarch 24, 2022 917 13


earwax records 001 – exclusive limited edition vinyl

share Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on telegram Telegram Share on linkedin LinkedIn Share on whatsapp WhatsApp wax worx asks you to 'get up, go mad!'purchase exclusive artist signed vinyl 12 inch singleone sidedclear vinyl with white / red lava splashlimited edition 50 Copies leftwax worx goes back to his early rave, and break beat influences to deliver this high energy and emotion laden track that […]

todayDecember 15, 2021 962 7



wax worx - get up, go mad!

limited edition vinyl

all proceeds go to #truthfortim campaign


Exclusive Artist Signed Vinyl 12inch single White / Red Lava Splash