
The Sultan of The Sport Girls – Sacha’s Story

todaySeptember 19, 2024 4516 2 3

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sacha's Sunday sport girl story

my entrance into the topless model world of pg3

What has come to pass since trying to talk about my Pg3 days, I can only imagine was all meant to be.  I do strongly believe that sharing our true-life stories and experiences, helps heal ourselves and others in all kinds of spiritual and magical ways. Moving forward with telling my personal story has been unbelievably hard for all kinds of reasons, firstly when it all truly dawned on me,  and the heavy realisation of how and what happened, who I was talking about and what it all actually amounted too, really sunk in for me.

As an activist trying my best to stand up for truth and supporting the #metoo movement and speaking up about sexual harassment, misogyny, unconscious bias against the feminine, and the abuse of power by predominantly men in our society, I feel very strongly that I have to speak out strongly now, and that we should all be allowed and able to talk openly and honestly in our safe space, how hard this has turned out be for me in this particular case tells it’s own sorry tale.

Back in summer last year, 27th July 2023 to be precise, I published a blog article on my Radio website, it was called From London City broker to Pg3 girl, and it’s the story of how I became a glamour model in the late 1990’s.

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From London City Broker to Pg3 Girl

From London City Broker to Pg3 Stunna How Elen became Sacha It’s 1998, meet me, a small, sassy, smart, streetwise, blonde 24yr old Essex girl called Elen.  I’d left home at 16, got engaged, got a job, got a mortgage, got a car, got a career in the city, at Lloyds of London, got a big television, dumped my fiancé and started raving and some might say, misbehaving, the day-to-day […]

todayJuly 27, 2023 3992 2 2

Within it is an account of a meeting with a publication owner, which was my entry into the world of topless glamour modelling. I now know him to be THE gatekeeper to the sordid world of p o r n, his mansion house, that I arrived at that day completely unprepared for, was coined in 2016 by the Daily Mail as ‘The House that P o r n Built’.

I’ve told what happened when I ended up at that house, to many of my close friends since that day, I told my boyfriend and female best friend that very evening.  Not because I was proud of it, or to glory about it, just because it was all so very shocking and astounding to me. I’ll never forget it, I remember it all so vividly.  Walking up to the gate and marching up the path to this monstrous house and getting let in the front door.  His appearance in his shorts and flip flops, my shock at how short he was, and his murmuring while flicking through my brand new portfolio, before leading me up to his bedroom.  

The events since publishing the account in my blog have led me to have no choice but to think about it all much more.  Prior to that I hadn’t really given that period of my life much thought in a very long time. I gave up full time modelling 24yrs ago in 2000, and became a club promoter, DJ manager/agent, working in the global DJs dance music industry, i’d been fully absorbed in that crazy world ever since.


Sundissential to Scream – From The Heart 1 by Sacha Wall

sundissential to scream by sacha wall a true story - from the heart #1 foreword ...i've written all my life, i have 100's of letters never sent and blogs that i've not had the courage to publish... until now, thanks to my husbands love, support and encouragement my "from the heart" blog starts here, with my true life story account on how i went from being a PG3 model, to […]

todayMay 7, 2022 2084 1

It was at the end of 2021, while retreating from the clown world covid pandemic dramas, dealing with family abuse, grief, tragic death of my brother in-law, the coronial inquest process and just trying to cope with hideously traumatic events in personal life, that I started journalling again.  Retreating from the madness, I immersed in my own self-healing inner child work journey. I started writing some of my many life stories out. I’ve always loved reading and writing. I’m a right little book worm and journaling my thoughts, feelings and troubles out on to paper has always been therapeutic for me, I’ve spent many days and nights scribbling away in notebooks, trying to work my rollercoaster soap opera life out.

It was only once I’d wrote out this story and then read it to my good listener husband Michael, that I started to really think deeply about it all.  Now, looking back at the age of 50, having learnt all I have along the way, what I realise, comprehend and understand now when seeing it with my middle aged adult eyes, is of how serious this whole incident all was, how dangerous a position I was put in, and how bloody lucky I was to escape!

This meeting was an attempt by a very powerful, mega rich man, who I did not know in anyway previously to that meeting, to coerce and put undue pressure on me into having sex with him. To sexually gratify him in someway, in exchange for making me one of his ‘special friends’ as he put it, and as one of these ‘special’ friends, he would then give me fame, fortune and endless double page spreads across his newspapers. Blow job or no job, basically to prostitute myself to him, this was his test…

Fortunately, I managed to escape his bedroom without giving him what he told me he wanted, or being physically harmed, but I was 24, strong willed and seriously feisty, he could see I was ready to fight him off, he could see he was asking for trouble with me. When I realised he’d locked his bedroom door and he’d turned nasty on me I wasn’t giving in and ready to scream the big house down, he could see that I was never going to play ball,  give him what he outrageously wanted without a serious fight, and even though I’m small, he’s smaller. 

I now know he was used to much younger impressionable more vulnerable girls, that he could either groom, intimidate, bribe or overpower to do whatever he sexually wanted. Some awful fathers were literally serving their daughters up to him on a plate, for a handsome financial reward…

He advertised as liking them to be just turned sweet 16 in The Sport.  If they were in the paper at that age, then they must have been even younger when going through the same initiation process at his house as I did.

He said that by me not having sex with him or giving him a blow job that “I was going to be doing it the hard way” in his opinion maybe…  

After running out of his house as fast as my little legs could carry me, I obviously didn’t think I had a hope in hell of getting any work from The Sport, I wasn’t that bothered, I was gunning for The real Pg3 in The Sun anyway.  But lo and behold I was called the next day by my new agent and told that after our ‘meeting’ he had decided to give me a chance and made me ‘Strip of the Week’ in The Daily Sport, with the story “Lloyds stunna drops all of her cover” and I became a Sport model. The Sport had ‘found me’ and next thing I knew I was in The Sun, The Star and the flashbulbs and press commenced.

Why did he employ me still you may ask? Maybe he didn’t want me to tell anyone what had happened? Once employed I was still one of his “sport girls” and good for business in his eyes. That couple of years was a big eye opener for me, it was a never ending cycle of people trying to get me to do porn basically…

The glamour game I quickly found out was really just the sordid sex business, and that it was well known what David was like, the girls all went through the same induction meeting, nobody asked each other the details, and all knew that if they wanted another boob job and some ‘extra press’ or just needed money, then it was off to David’s house for a ‘meeting’ and he would happily provide if you would…

I didn’t realise who he was back then or understand any of his connections, I didn’t quantify his power or grooming or any of it all back then, I was still naïve myself, despite thinking I was all grown up having left home 8years before.  I still had no real comprehension of the intentions of some, but you think you can take on the world in your twenties don’t you? well I did anyway.

Sadly, I now realise this ‘initiation process’ was his now notorious ‘modus operandi’, one that has fed his sick sexual gratification desires and that he has made many billions out of, exploitation at its worst, in plain sight, without the girls he has used and abused and those that facilitate and enable him, he would have nothing, no empire, no big house, no football teams, nothing.

I’ve had to come to terms with the fact that most girls weren’t so lucky as me, most were much younger and therefore more vulnerable.  These are the types that deviant predator men like him look for, those that they see as needy in our society, those already abused and groomed in childhood are easy prey and so the ones that they target the most…

Telling my truth

After reading my original blog through with my husband, in April 22 I contacted a couple of journalists, to ask them their thoughts on publishing my Pg3 story.

I spoke to someone from The Guardian & TM Media, they both said that “they weren’t surprised on who the account in it was about.” The Guardian journalist was frank with me, he asked if I knew of any other girls with similar stories, and then said that to be able to consider publishing anything they’d need at least 3 girls coming forward with similar stories, was I in contact with any? Even then it can still take years due to the threat of defamation lawsuits with money being no object to him. 

I know how dangerous it is to whistleblow and ‘name and shame’ those with influence and monetary power, that’s how they get away with it for so long, I also now know from horrendous experience over the last 4years, how the police fail to protect us all, especially from sexual predator criminals, and that blackmail and corruption in society is rife, backhanders, cover ups and people on the pay roll and people ‘in the club’ everywhere.

At that time, with all considered I didn’t feel strong enough to publish it on my own, so I left it…

A year later, in July 23 when feeling stronger, I decided I really wanted to put my blog story out anyway, so  I censored and edited it myself, taking out the name of the person I was referencing in the account, and the name of the newspaper that he owned.

As soon as I published it various pertinent people started contacting me anyway, despite my own censorship, due to his notorious and well-known method of grooming, others recognised instantly who I was talking about. I was then sent this…

That’s when it all really started to sink in. I started getting flashbacks, of being in his bedroom, and the heavy realisation of the true danger I had been in, and worst, what I realised he had allegedly done, to so many other girls before me, and since.

First, I felt bad, what if I’d said something earlier, could it have stopped more girls fate at the hands of this vile man? 

I was then contacted by a BBC journalist and one of his alleged victims, I subsequently found out they had been investigating him for a couple of years already…

I then did my research, and realised the gravity of how active he still is, he is clearly another Epstein esque type character, and still thinks he can get away with it, just like Jimmy Saville did.

That was a year ago, and after speaking to what feels like a journalist from every major UK press publication there is, and so much more occurring than I can’t talk about here for legal reasons, finally on 11th June i’d had enough, and sent out this tweet, it went slightly viral and his response: an immediate SLAPP cease & desist letter from his lawyer, an intimidating threat to try and imprison me and attempts get me to delete my entire X/Twitter account! Big mistake, this showed his guilt and fear loud and clear, and just made me even more determined… Fortunately I then had some strong arm superhero legal help fly in to help me deal with him pro bono, thank you god, and thank you John Robertson, it takes good men to help women stand up and be counted in this world. 

This man is now 75, he is the biggest supplier of porn and god knows what else in the UK for the last 50yrs, he is the ex-owner of the Sport newspaper group, and the current chairman of West Ham Utd FC, and his time is up.  He is a detestable man and most of his money has come off the blatant and immoral earnings of selling and degrading women into prostitution. His is David Sullivan and I name him and exercise my right to free speech because it’s the right thing to do, this is still a democracy and I will not be silenced by his money or threats, the worlds press want to name him so I do it, here and now.

Telling my story is allowed and I will continue to speak the truth, like I committed to do so in the first place, I feel I have no choice anymore, I want to move on with my life and cannot stay silent, the silence on the Sultan of Sleaze UK porn king Sullivan is broken, the only king is karma for me…

In my opinion he needs to be held accountable for his conduct, and the truth of how he has coerced and groomed thousands of women into pornography since the 70’s be told.  I dread to think how many children and adults have suffered because of him and his ‘business’.

How can I, or any of us, sit by and let this man continue to degrade and devastate women’s lives and stay silent. He is ultimately one of the main root causes of why porn is still so normalised and rape culture is so widespread in the western world, his hardcore porn empire has fed into the minds of millions of men, this gets them hooked on hookers and never-ending porn cycle addiction, leading to abuse and sometimes rape. So, let’s start dealing with him, and where all this sordid material is circulating from, he is just one small man, what is there to be scared of?

I was the one that got away, but knowing what I know now I suspect his bedroom had hidden cameras, if I had been forced into doing anything with him, it would have been recorded, and his way of blackmailing me from then on, like so many others as we are seeing come to light right now with Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs arrest. How many times has this kind of coercive control and manipulation happened? 

Is the FA, West Ham FC and all the fans really OK with knowing the true character of this sordid man and that his millions all comes from sex shops, massage parlours, sex lines, sex websites, hardcore porn films and the overall degradation and prostitution, of thousands of women for sexual services since the 70’s, the daughters of so many fathers treated like whores, that are worth nothing more than sexual objects, is this what football lovers want idolised to their children today, I hope not. it’s not okay.

Is this the message to send to the women of the world? That want a good man to love, protect and respect them, not use them like a piece of meat and abuse them with as much care as for a a blow-up doll. It’s 2024 and it’s time for the good guys to stand up and say NO MORE.

I’ve thought long and hard about speaking out and I can’t hold back.  Everything I say is truth, the whole truth and nothing but, it’s not defamation, it’s my true story and my thoughts, feelings and opinion, I’m not scared of being sued by a multi billionaire, I’ve got nothing to lose, unlike him, the quicker this is all out in the open the better for us all, then things can truly change.

Truth matters, we have to fight for the change we all want to see, and I will stand up for every person that has suffered at the hands of this man, their flashbacks, their trauma is of a magnitude that nobody wants to comprehend, and I will do my best to support them all the way to truth, accountability and justice.

Thank you for listening and all of your support, one love always, Sacha x


Written by: SachaIstreem

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A Healing Prayer for Humanity – Invocation of the Seventh Seal

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