"This year will be my first Set For Love, I really wanted to get involved last year, but due to a personal crisis I was unable.This is my first proper set, since my last gig before the pandemic hit, which was for Switch! in Tunbridge Wells, me & my wife had just returned home from a dream holiday in Zanzibar, Tanzania, just as the pandemic was breaking.Not only had we […]
relax in the decade of decadence, as istreem’s first lady sacha, takes us back to the magic of the 80’s. pull on your leg warmers, big up your hair, and get that glitter out. get ready for a bombshell of fun and frolics, as we skip our way through a riot of top tunes, that made it such an incredible era of simply inspiring music… put your penny in her […]
join our global resident team as they come together on a Sunday to stream some fun, love and musical entertainment to raise money for the Last Night A DJ Saved My Life Summer of Love charity fundraiser, tune in and help them raise money to change lives for children in developing countries join facebook event & invite your firends Artist residents party – sets for love b2b from around the […]